Frequently Asked Questions

How do I search for schools in my area?

Our website makes it a breeze with our lightning-fast search tool. Location: Enter your address or postcode and we'll show you schools in your area. Postcode: Know the specific area you're interested in? Pop in the postcode and see what schools are nearby. School Name: Have a particular school in mind? Type it in and get instant details.

Can I filter schools by specific criteria like ofsted ratings, school phase, extracurricular activities?

Yes, rightnow we provide ofsted ratings and school phase filters and we will continue to add more.

How can I access detailed information about each school, such as class sizes, gender, ofsted rating?

We Provide Interactive Map to show the School and its nearby area. You can select the school to view detailed information such as school census, ofsted report, exam results, school admissions, parent view etc.

Are there parent reviews or testimonials available for the schools?

We provide ofsted parent's view for available schools, which basically provides parent's view about the school

Can I compare different schools side-by-side?

We are working on building this functionality

How do you ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information on your website?

We collect data from official resources such as , Ofsted, and We're passionate about providing accurate data, but sometimes even the best detectives miss a clue. If you notice any inconsistencies in our school information, please consider yourself a partner in accuracy! Your eagle eye helps us build the most reliable school resource out there. Simply Let us Know and we'll investigate and update ASAP. Together, we can make school search smooth sailing for everyone!

What are your privacy policies?

You can read our privacy policy Here

How can I report an error or outdated information on your website?

You can report it to [email protected]

How do you rank the schools? What criteria do you use?

Our school rankings prioritize student achievement, and Ofsted Ratings
For Primary Results, rankings are calculated in a two-step process. First, we consider the percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard across key subjects. Then, we factor in the percentage exceeding that standard, showcasing high-performing schools.
For Secondary Results, we calculate rankings based on Attainment 8 and Progress 8 score.