Culcheth Community Primary School


Age Range 4-11 years
Gender Mixed
Type Maintained school, Community school
Religious Character Does not apply
Local Authority Warrington
Address Warrington Road, WA3 5HH
URN 111180

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School Census

Total 217
Girls/Boys 95/122
Girls/Boys Ratio 43.8%/56.2%
% pupils where English not first language 3.7%
No. pupils eligible for free school meals 37
Percentage of eligible pupils with SEN support 8.8%

Ofsted Ratings

Ofsted Inspections
Start Date Ofsted Rating
05/12/2012 Good
05/02/2008 Good
Inspection Date 05/12/2012
Quality of Education No Judgement
Behaviour and Attitudes No Judgement
Personal Development No Judgement
Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Good
Inspection Date 05/02/2008
Quality of Education No Judgement
Behaviour and Attitudes No Judgement
Personal Development No Judgement
Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Good

Primary Results

Primary Results 2023
Type Score
Pupils meeting the expected standard 79%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 6%
Reading 106
Maths 106
Reading Progress 0.9
Writing Progress 3.2
Maths Progress 2.3
No Results Published for 2022 to 2020
Primary Results 2019
Type Score
Pupils meeting the expected standard 91%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 6%
Reading 107
Maths 107
Reading Progress 1.3
Writing Progress -0.2
Maths Progress 0.8

Primary Admissions

First preference v Offers 1.24%
Total Applications 77
As First Preference 36
As second preference 29
As third preference 12
Total Offers Made 29
first preference offers 29
second preference offers 0
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.48%
Total Applications 88
As First Preference 43
As second preference 35
As third preference 10
Total Offers Made 30
first preference offers 29
second preference offers 1
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.45%
Total Applications 101
As First Preference 42
As second preference 37
As third preference 21
Total Offers Made 30
first preference offers 29
second preference offers 1
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 69
As First Preference 22
As second preference 27
As third preference 20
Total Offers Made 25
first preference offers 22
second preference offers 3
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.17%
Total Applications 79
As First Preference 35
As second preference 26
As third preference 18
Total Offers Made 30
first preference offers 30
second preference offers 0
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.07%
Total Applications 76
As First Preference 30
As second preference 24
As third preference 21
Total Offers Made 28
first preference offers 28
second preference offers 0
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 74
As First Preference 29
As second preference 25
As third preference 19
Total Offers Made 29
first preference offers 29
second preference offers 0
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 75
As First Preference 26
As second preference 23
As third preference 26
Total Offers Made 27
first preference offers 26
second preference offers 1
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.04%
Total Applications 88
As First Preference 26
As second preference 32
As third preference 30
Total Offers Made 30
first preference offers 25
second preference offers 5
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.32%
Total Applications 91
As First Preference 37
As second preference 24
As third preference 30
Total Offers Made 31
first preference offers 28
second preference offers 3
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.11%
Total Applications 82
As First Preference 31
As second preference 26
As third preference 25
Total Offers Made 30
first preference offers 28
second preference offers 1
third preference offers 1

Parents View

My child is happy at this school.
strongly agree 81%
agree 13%
disagree 4%
strongly disagree 2%
don't know 0%
My child feels safe at this school.
strongly agree 79%
agree 17%
disagree 2%
strongly disagree 2%
don't know 0%
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved.
strongly agree 65%
agree 25%
disagree 10%
strongly disagree 0%
don't know 0%
My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively.
strongly agree 4%
agree 8%
disagree 2%
strongly disagree 10%
don't know 4%
not applicable 73%
The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year.
strongly agree 62%
agree 37%
disagree 0%
strongly disagree 0%
don't know 2%
When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly
strongly agree 52%
agree 10%
disagree 6%
strongly disagree 6%
don't know 0%
not applicable 27%
Does your child have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)?
yes 0%
no 0%
My child has special educational needs and/or disabilities, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed.
strongly agree 0%
agree 0%
disagree 0%
strongly disagree 0%
dont know 0%
The school has high expectations for my child.
strongly agree 75%
agree 17%
disagree 4%
strongly disagree 0%
don't know 4%
My child does well at this school.
strongly agree 77%
agree 19%
disagree 2%
strongly disagree 2%
don't know 0%
The school lets me know how my child is doing.
strongly agree 67%
agree 27%
disagree 4%
strongly disagree 2%
don't know 0%
There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school.
strongly agree 77%
agree 21%
disagree 0%
strongly disagree 0%
don't know 2%
My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school.
strongly agree 75%
agree 17%
disagree 6%
strongly disagree 2%
don't know 0%
The school supports my child's wider personal development.
strongly agree 69%
agree 17%
disagree 4%
strongly disagree 6%
don't know 4%
I would recommend this school to another parent.
yes 90%
no 10%


time period 2023-24
white british ethnic origin 87.1%
white and asian ethnic origin 4.1%
white and black african ethnic origin 2.3%
any other white background ethnic origin 1.8%
indian ethnic origin 0.9%
any other asian background ethnic origin 0.9%
time period 2022-23
white british ethnic origin 87.6%
any other white background ethnic origin 2.8%
white and asian ethnic origin 2.8%
white and black african ethnic origin 2.3%
irish ethnic origin 0.9%
indian ethnic origin 0.9%