
Age Range 4-11 years
Gender Mixed
Type Maintained school, Community school
Religious Character Does not apply
Local Authority Hampshire
Address Gloucester Road, GU11 3SL
URN 116233

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School Census

Total 202
Girls/Boys 105/97
Girls/Boys Ratio 52.0%/48.0%
% pupils where English not first language 25.2%
No. pupils eligible for free school meals 76
Percentage of eligible pupils with SEN support 20.3%

Ofsted Ratings

Ofsted Inspections
Start Date Ofsted Rating
08/05/2019 Good
18/06/2014 Good
Inspection Date 08/05/2019
Quality of Education No Judgement
Behaviour and Attitudes No Judgement
Personal Development No Judgement
Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Good
Inspection Date 18/06/2014
Quality of Education No Judgement
Behaviour and Attitudes No Judgement
Personal Development No Judgement
Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Good

Primary Results

Primary Results 2023
Type Score
Pupils meeting the expected standard 43%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 3%
Reading 103
Maths 101
Reading Progress -1.1
Writing Progress -2.9
Maths Progress -2.1
No Results Published for 2022 to 2020
Primary Results 2019
Type Score
Pupils meeting the expected standard 71%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 4%
Reading 104
Maths 103
Reading Progress -0.5
Writing Progress -0.5
Maths Progress -2.6

Primary Admissions

First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 34
As First Preference 13
As second preference 13
As third preference 8
Total Offers Made 14
first preference offers 13
second preference offers 1
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 41
As First Preference 15
As second preference 16
As third preference 9
Total Offers Made 18
first preference offers 15
second preference offers 1
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 30
As First Preference 12
As second preference 9
As third preference 9
Total Offers Made 17
first preference offers 12
second preference offers 1
third preference offers 1
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 33
As First Preference 19
As second preference 6
As third preference 7
Total Offers Made 21
first preference offers 19
second preference offers 1
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 46
As First Preference 18
As second preference 11
As third preference 15
Total Offers Made 29
first preference offers 18
second preference offers 0
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 39
As First Preference 19
As second preference 9
As third preference 10
Total Offers Made 22
first preference offers 19
second preference offers 1
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 33
As First Preference 20
As second preference 3
As third preference 10
Total Offers Made 20
first preference offers 20
second preference offers 0
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 41
As First Preference 16
As second preference 12
As third preference 13
Total Offers Made 28
first preference offers 16
second preference offers 3
third preference offers 0
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 79
As First Preference 28
As second preference 14
As third preference 37
Total Offers Made 39
first preference offers 28
second preference offers 3
third preference offers 1
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 71
As First Preference 30
As second preference 18
As third preference 22
Total Offers Made 42
first preference offers 30
second preference offers 5
third preference offers 4
First preference v Offers 1.00%
Total Applications 60
As First Preference 26
As second preference 16
As third preference 18
Total Offers Made 29
first preference offers 26
second preference offers 0
third preference offers 0


time period 2023-24
white british ethnic origin 60.3%
any other white background ethnic origin 7.5%
any other asian background ethnic origin 7.5%
pakistani ethnic origin 5.5%
any other ethnic group ethnic origin 4.5%
any other mixed background ethnic origin 3%
gypsy roma ethnic origin 2.5%
african ethnic origin 2%
white and black caribbean ethnic origin 1.5%
indian ethnic origin 1.5%
any other black background ethnic origin 1.5%
traveller of irish heritage ethnic origin 1%
white and black african ethnic origin 1%
time period 2022-23
white british ethnic origin 65.8%
any other asian background ethnic origin 10.4%
any other white background ethnic origin 5.4%
any other ethnic group ethnic origin 4%
pakistani ethnic origin 3.5%
gypsy roma ethnic origin 2.5%
african ethnic origin 2%
traveller of irish heritage ethnic origin 1.5%
white and black caribbean ethnic origin 1.5%
white and asian ethnic origin 1%
indian ethnic origin 1%