Nonsuch High School for Girls


Age Range 11-18 years
Gender Girls
Type Academy, Academy converter
Religious Character None
Local Authority Sutton
Address Ewell Road, SM3 8AB
URN 136795

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School Census

Total 1521
Girls/Boys 1521/0
Girls/Boys Ratio 100.0%/0.0%
% pupils where English not first language 43.1%
No. pupils eligible for free school meals 82
Percentage of eligible pupils with SEN support 3.5%

Ofsted Ratings

Ofsted Inspections
Start Date Ofsted Rating
25/05/2021 Good
03/07/2013 Good
Inspection Date 25/05/2021
Quality of Education Good
Behaviour and Attitudes Good
Personal Development Good
Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Good
Inspection Date 03/07/2013
Quality of Education No Judgement
Behaviour and Attitudes No Judgement
Personal Development No Judgement
Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Good

Secondary Results

Secondary Results 2023
Type Score
Attainment 8 score 82.1
Grade 5 or above in English and maths 100%
5 or more GCSEs at grade 9-4 100%
Entering EBacc 78%
EBacc average point score 7.78
Progress 8 1.1
Secondary Results 2022
Type Score
Attainment 8 score 81.3
Grade 5 or above in English and maths 100%
5 or more GCSEs at grade 9-4 100%
EBacc average point score 7.83
Progress 8 0.9

Secondary Admissions

first preference v offers 1.87%
Total Applications 990
As first preference 304
As second preference 436
As third preference 127
Total Offers Made 209
first preference offers 163
second preference offers 41
third preference offers 5
first preference v offers 1.72%
Total Applications 939
As first preference 301
As second preference 434
As third preference 89
Total Offers Made 210
first preference offers 175
second preference offers 31
third preference offers 3
first preference v offers 1.96%
Total Applications 941
As first preference 359
As second preference 363
As third preference 97
Total Offers Made 209
first preference offers 183
second preference offers 22
third preference offers 3
first preference v offers 2.73%
Total Applications 1336
As first preference 415
As second preference 542
As third preference 191
Total Offers Made 210
first preference offers 152
second preference offers 54
third preference offers 4
first preference v offers 1.60%
Total Applications 909
As first preference 314
As second preference 359
As third preference 97
Total Offers Made 238
first preference offers 196
second preference offers 39
third preference offers 2
first preference v offers 1.78%
Total Applications 917
As first preference 329
As second preference 364
As third preference 103
Total Offers Made 210
first preference offers 185
second preference offers 22
third preference offers 2
first preference v offers 1.60%
Total Applications 846
As first preference 279
As second preference 344
As third preference 112
Total Offers Made 210
first preference offers 174
second preference offers 31
third preference offers 3
first preference v offers 1.43%
Total Applications 838
As first preference 252
As second preference 341
As third preference 120
Total Offers Made 210
first preference offers 176
second preference offers 29
third preference offers 5
first preference v offers 1.55%
Total Applications 755
As first preference 250
As second preference 314
As third preference 93
Total Offers Made 210
first preference offers 161
second preference offers 43
third preference offers 5
first preference v offers 1.69%
Total Applications 784
As first preference 254
As second preference 376
As third preference 66
Total Offers Made 197
first preference offers 150
second preference offers 46
third preference offers 1
first preference v offers 1.96%
Total Applications 760
As first preference 276
As second preference 297
As third preference 98
Total Offers Made 175
first preference offers 141
second preference offers 31
third preference offers 3


time period 2023-24
indian ethnic origin 33.9%
any other asian background ethnic origin 23.1%
white british ethnic origin 10.2%
pakistani ethnic origin 6.6%
chinese ethnic origin 6.4%
any other white background ethnic origin 5.3%
african ethnic origin 3.5%
any other mixed background ethnic origin 3.1%
white and asian ethnic origin 2.6%
bangladeshi ethnic origin 2.2%
any other ethnic group ethnic origin 1.6%
time period 2022-23
indian ethnic origin 33.2%
any other asian background ethnic origin 22%
white british ethnic origin 11.3%
pakistani ethnic origin 6.7%
any other white background ethnic origin 5.3%
chinese ethnic origin 5.1%
african ethnic origin 4%
any other mixed background ethnic origin 3.2%
white and asian ethnic origin 2.5%
any other ethnic group ethnic origin 2.3%
bangladeshi ethnic origin 2.1%
white and black african ethnic origin 0.7%
white and black caribbean ethnic origin 0.6%