There are a total of 65 schools in Reading (40 Primary, 10 Secondary, and 11 Independent)
Out of these 6 schools are rated Outstanding while 42 schools are rated Good by ofsted.
Students: Primary 17481, Secondary 12937
Pupils: 350, Age: 4-11, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 1080 out of 16537 schools
129 Upper Woodcote Road, Reading, RG4 7LB
Pupils: 98, Age: 7-11, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 1561 out of 16537 schools
August House, Brownlow Road, Reading, RG1 6NP
Pupils: 414, Age: 4-11, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 2579 out of 16537 schools
Grove Road, Reading, RG4 8LN
Pupils: 312, Age: 3-7, Gender: Mixed
Exbourne Road, Reading, RG2 8RH
Pupils: 60, Age: 5-7, Gender: Mixed
Brownlow Road, Reading, RG1 6NP
Pupils: 865, Age: 11-18, Gender: Girls
London Road, Reading, RG1 5BN
Pupils: 1119, Age: 11-18, Gender: Boys
Erleigh Road, Reading, RG1 5LW
Pupils: 795, Age: 11-16, Gender: Girls
Northumberland Avenue, Reading, RG2 7PY
Pupils: 994, Age: 11-18, Gender: Mixed
Fawley Road, Reading, RG30 3EP
Pupils: 994, Age: 11-19, Gender: Mixed
61-63 Bath Road, Reading, RG30 2BB
Requires improvement
Pupils: 53, Age: 4-16, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 16208 out of 16537 schools
2 Conwy Close, Reading, RG30 4BZ
Pupils: 51, Age: 11-18, Gender: Mixed
135 Bulmershe Road, Reading, RG1 5SG
Pupils: 35, Age: 5-11, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 15265 out of 16537 schools
145 Ashampstead Road, Reading, RG30 3LJ
Pupils: 204, Age: 2-19, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 15266 out of 16537 schools
The Avenue Centre, Conwy Close, Reading, RG30 4BZ
Pupils: 204, Age: 2-19, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 15266 out of 16537 schools
The Avenue Centre, Conwy Close, Reading, RG30 4BZ
Requires improvement
Pupils: 53, Age: 4-16, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 16208 out of 16537 schools
2 Conwy Close, Reading, RG30 4BZ