There are a total of 263 schools in Wiltshire (202 Primary, 29 Secondary, and 28 Independent)
Out of these 21 schools are rated Outstanding while 175 schools are rated Good by ofsted.
Students: Primary 45451, Secondary 38394
Pupils: 194, Age: 4-11, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 745 out of 16537 schools
Farm Lane, Marlborough, SN8 3TR
Pupils: 140, Age: 5-11, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 4898 out of 16537 schools
The Ridings, Chippenham, SN14 6JG
Pupils: 199, Age: 4-11, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 8449 out of 16537 schools
Back Lane, Marlborough, SN8 2BP
Pupils: 240, Age: 5-7, Gender: Mixed
Somerset Road, Salisbury, SP1 3BL
Pupils: 430, Age: 4-11, Gender: Mixed
Sycamore Drive, Salisbury, SP1 3GZ
Pupils: 1178, Age: 11-18, Gender: Boys
Exeter Street, Salisbury, SP1 2ED
Pupils: 1438, Age: 11-18, Gender: Mixed
Corn Gastons, Malmesbury, SN16 0DF
Pupils: 1728, Age: 11-18, Gender: Mixed
Granham Hill, Marlborough, SN8 4AX
Pupils: 1725, Age: 11-18, Gender: Mixed
Lime Kiln, Swindon, SN4 7HG
Pupils: 890, Age: 11-18, Gender: Mixed
Springfield Road, Westbury, BA13 3QH
Pupils: 97, Age: 10-16, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 16445 out of 16537 schools
Downlands Road, Devizes, SN10 5EF
Pupils: 231, Age: 5-19, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 15623 out of 16537 schools
Curzon Street, Calne, SN11 0DS
Pupils: 164, Age: 2-19, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 15569 out of 16537 schools
Somerset Road, Salisbury, SP1 3BL
Pupils: 164, Age: 2-19, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 15569 out of 16537 schools
Somerset Road, Salisbury, SP1 3BL
Not Rated
Pupils: 425, Age: 4-19, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 15606 out of 16537 schools
Devizes, SN10 2QQ
Pupils: 231, Age: 5-19, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 15623 out of 16537 schools
Curzon Street, Calne, SN11 0DS
Not Rated
Pupils: None, Age: 4-19, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 16412 out of 16537 schools
Westwood Road, Salisbury, SP2 9LY
Pupils: 97, Age: 10-16, Gender: Mixed
Overall Rank: 16445 out of 16537 schools
Downlands Road, Devizes, SN10 5EF